
Building Construction

GIFFIN offers complete turnkey services that often afford the opportunity to integrate the building into our overall process plans.

Constructing the building offers a unique opportunity for GIFFIN, because it allows us as General Contractors to have total control on all attributes of the project, and assures harmonious development of the entire facility, while significantly reducing the timing it takes for building completion.

Included Systems :

  • Heating, Ventilating, Air Condition (HVAC)
  • Utilities & Piping
  • General & EC Industrial Waste
  • Truck Docks and Fluid Unload Areas
  • Plumbing
  • Roof Drainage System
  • Lavatories
  • Sanitary Sewer
  • Electrical Service & Distribution
  • Emergency Generators
  • Lighting and Branch Wiring
  • Fire Detection Mass Evacuation System
  • Fire Protection
  • Security System
  • Etc…

For additional information on Turnkey solutions see our Innovation Solutions and recent Projects.