
FCA Stellantis New Turnkey Paint Shop D2AP Detroit Assembly Complex Mack

  • Customer:


  • Location:

    Detroit, Michigan

  • Product:

    Jeep Grand Cherokee

Program Highlights:

  • Mack paint shop totals 790,000 sq. Ft.
  • 299 caissons with 120’ avg. depth
  • 43,868 cubic yards of concrete
  • 8,300 tons of steel
  • Flexible pre-treatment system
  • 400 linear feet of GIFFIN’s patented ELITE™ Scrubber Technology
  • 1,770 linear feet of energy efficient oven system
  • 17-month overall schedule, start-to-finish
  • Over 1,654,000 total safety hours worked, without lost time incident
  • Completed during a global pandemic!